For me an important principle of public policy is to build on what is good or excellent in providing services and in putting patients first. In the see-saw world of Manitoba politics – with the last few decades of back and forth between the NDP and the Tories, too often governments, like the present Tory government, walk in like a bull in a china shop and breakup and destroy what is excellent. Sadly, this is what is happening with the Misericordia Urgent Care Centre which is the best performing of all the Emergency Rooms and Urgent Care Centres in Winnipeg – with the shortest wait times and the best patient satisfaction. Instead of destroying excellence as the Conservatives are doing, we should recognize that to achieve excellence in health care we need to support and build on what is already excellent. Not only is Misericordia Urgent Care Centre a high performing unit, it is synergistically located beside the Buhler Eye Care Centre at Misericor...