With Peter Nygard being charged in Ontario and in the United States, many are wondering why he has never been charged in Manitoba, considering that there have been accusations of sexual assault going back to 1977 (and with some recent evidence showing that this may even date back to 1968 in Manitoba). My question on Friday November 26th and the Minister's response are below (from Hansard). Peter Nygård Assault Allegations Inquiry into Filing Charges in Manitoba Hon. Jon Gerrard (River Heights): Madam Speaker, with allegations of sexual assault against Peter Nygård dating back to 1977–44 years ago–why was there not a proper investigation and charges laid against Peter Nygård many years ago in Manitoba? We have women from Manitoba who have come forward. We have excellent investigators in our city and RCMP forces. I ask the Minister of Justice: When was the first investigation into Peter Nygår...