Yesterday, Dougald Lamont, Cindy Lamoureux and I were there to stand for Ukraine and for the people of Ukraine in this time of great difficulty. The outpouring of support from Manitobans was extraordinary as can be seen from the number of people who came out. For those who are interested, that is Cindy Lamoureux on the extreme right of the photo of the gathering. Dougald Lamont's speech is below: • To ukrainians • Thank you every one for this opportunity to speak. Thank you to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Myrolsava, Alexandra Skandrij, Markian McColl and so many others for making this happen. • You know, I grew up in the 1970s and 1980s and I remember the cold war. I remember the invasion of Poland. • I remember the threat of nuclear war and bombs dropping on our heads in the 1980s. Of not knowing whether, in junior high, whether there would be a world for us. And there was. • We ...