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The hiring of Avis Glaze and what it may mean for the future of school boards in Manitoba

The Pallister government's education review commission has chosen Avis Glaze to be the lead consultant for its review of kindergarted to grade 12 education.   Based on Ms Glaze's recommendation to eliminate school boards in Nova Scotia - which the province has now done - there is concern she may coordinate a similar recommendation in Manitoba.   I asked about this in Question Period earlier today.   My question and the Minister's response is below - from Hansard.

K-to-12 Education Review - Manitoba School Boards

Hon. Jon -Gerrard - (River Heights): 
      The government of Manitoba has hired Avis Glaze, a lead consultant for its commissioned review–K-to-12 education. In her report for Nova Scotia, she referred to school boards as undisciplined, fractious, and role-confused entities, representing narrow interests, and she recommended that all school boards be eliminated.  [Nova Scotia has since elminated all school boards.] 
      Why would the government hire a person with such a negative view of school boards; a view totally different from the reality of the innovative and leading-edge school boards we have in our province?  [It needs to be emphasized that School Boards in Manitoba have often led the way with new positive innovations.   This would include the MET schools in Seven Oaks School Division, the Roots of Empathy and other initiatives in Seine River School Division, and collaborative partnerships with First Nations in western Manitoba between Rolling River First Nation and Erickson, and between Waywayseecappo and Park West School Division.] 

Hon. Kelvin Goertzen (Minister of Education and Training): The government did not select Avis Glaze as lead consultant. It was the K-to-12 commission, the independent K-to-12 commission that selected Avis Glaze. Of course, she has worked, not only around the country and including the royal commission on education in Ontario but around the world and has been recognized for her work around the world. 
      Now, if not surprising I guess in this environment that a Liberal would stand up in the House and now want us to interfere with an independent process, Madam Speaker. It seems to be the way they want things done. They want some things to be independent, but they want to monkey around with all of it. I wonder what he wants. Does he want an independent process, or does he not? We're supporting an independent process. He can interfere like all of his friends in Ottawa.

Mr. Gerrard:  Yes, just like Hydro and the Manitoba Liquor Commission [in both cases the Premier interferred with the Crown Corporation Board's decisions] 


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