Thursday May 12 I spoke in the Manitoba Legislature about the flood situation. My comments are below
Weather Event and Flooding
Gerrard: Madam Speaker, on behalf of our Liberal
caucus, I thank all those who are working so hard to address the flood
conditions and to protect people's lives and property. I will speak specifically
to several concerns.
First, agriculture: there may be extensive areas of the province where there
is late seeding. In earlier years, when conditions were like this, the
government extended the crop insurance deadline and provided support for farmers
who put in a green cover crop after the deadline. The government should
announce its plans soon.
In earlier years, when plans were announced at the last minute, many farmers
had laboured, sweated and muddied in crops to meet the deadline, when they
would've been better to wait a few days 'til the land was drier with the
extended deadline. I ask the government to let farmers know their intentions
soon so farmers can better plan what to do.
Second, Peguis: this spring, shockingly, the community did not get an adequate
flood warning until a day or two before it happened. Yet, the government has
not made any announcements to date with respect to changes it will make in the
future to make sure that Peguis gets more warning of an impending large flood.
Also, in relation to Peguis, the government should be updating the Legislature
on any plans, discussion and consultations with the community with respect to
the long-run plans to protect Peguis so that, like many communities along the
Red River in southern Manitoba, they can be protected.
I would remind the minister that homes and communities in the Red River Valley
are generally protected to a level of the '97 flood plus two feet.
The government should accept no less a standard for Peguis First
With these points, I thank the minister for his comments and the opportunity we
all have to consider the flood situation today.
Thank you. Merci. Miigwech.
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