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Liberals move forward with "Health Care Check Up" Public Forums

In two years in government, the Pallister PCs have moved to make major changes in Health Care. Many of these changes have not been well grounded in either their goal or their execution.  Regardless of whether one agrees or disagrees with these changes, it is now time to take stock of where we are and get a sounding from people around Manitoba about what is working, what is not working and where critical investments need to be made.  This is what our Manitoba Liberal Caucus is doing in preparation for the spring session of the Manitoba Legislature which starts March 7,  These public meetings follow our previous Forum last November and the efforts we have made since then as described at this link

Our press release announcing our initiative is below: 

Manitoba Liberals Launch “Health Care Check Up”

Winnipeg – Manitoba Liberal Health Critic, Jon Gerrard, is launching a series of public meetings across the province to listen to the opinions and needs of Manitobans in regards to our health care system.  The public meetings will be held in communities across the province including Brandon, Grandview, The Pas, Flin Flon, Thompson and Winnipeg.

“We are launching this effort to listen to Manitobans around the province because we are seeing an unprecedented level of concern with the impacts of the Pallister government’s cuts to health care,” said Gerrard. “The changes are creating problems, causing a disturbance, and creating low morale in much of the health care system.”

“Pallister isn’t listening to his own experts who are telling him to stop the cuts and closures, and he isn’t listening to the concerns of Manitobans,” said Manitoba Liberal leader, Dougald Lamont. “We want to hear from Manitobans how the PCs cuts to healthcare have impacted their lives. We will deliver those stories, those messages to Premier Pallister, and we will continue to call on this government to put an end to these reckless cuts.”

Manitoba Liberals will connect with Manitobans by engaging in conversations that are not just critical, but also constructive, to assess the strengths, weaknesses and critical needs of our health care system.

“In more than 22 years in politics, I have never experienced as much concern about the future of health care in Manitoba as we are seeing right now,” said Gerrard.

We will ask Manitobans three questions:
  1. What areas of health care in our province are working?   These are areas we need to preserve and build upon to reach an even better system.
  2. What areas of health care are not working? These are areas where we need to make changes to improve.
  3. What areas need improvement and investment?  For example, where we need to focus additional resources to achieve optimum health for Manitobans.
    We invite all Manitobans to attend the public meetings. Here are the first six scheduled public meetings:

    WednesdayFebruary 21st
    6:00 - 8:00 pm
    Brandon University (Louis Riel Room)
    270 18th Street

    ThursdayFebruary 22nd
    10:30 am - 12:30 pm
    Drop-In Centre
    432 Main St.

     The Pas
    MondayFebruary 26th
    7:00 - 9:00 pm
    The Pas Library Annex
    53 Edwards Ave.

    Flin Flon
    TuesdayFebruary 27th
    6:00 - 8:00 pm
    Flin Flon Public Library (Basement)
    58 Main St.

    WednesdayFebruary 28th
    6:00 – 8:00 pm
    Meridian Hotel
    183 Cree Street

    SundayMarch 11th 
    2:00 - 4:00 pm
    Ber Max Restaurant
    4-1800 Corydon Ave.


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